Each year, Wear It Purple Day is celebrated in late August across Australia with events that have the potential to save thousands of lives. The movement is all about supportive, safe, empowering and inclusive environments for rainbow young people.
At True, we celebrate the rainbow of diversity that surrounds us in our workplaces and schools. We encourage our staff and colleagues to wear purple in support of all young people and in acknowledgement of the need to make sure our young people feel safe, True is about to launch a video called ‘Being Me’. The animae-style video explores some of the concerns a young person may have about disclosing their diverse sexuality and/or gender identity to others and provides some simple examples of where they may be able to access safe support if needed.
If a young person has disclosed their sexuality and/or gender identity to you, please remember that this should not be discussed with others without their permission first.
'Being Me' has been developed by True on behalf of PFLAG+ Brisbane, and aims to provide insight into a young person’s perspective and the importance of providing them with reassurance and support.
It is anticipated that 'Being Me' may be used by:
- school-based guidance officers or youth health nurses
- staff in organisations who support young people and/or their families
- relevant health professionals
- or accessed by young people and/or their families directly.
Being yourself and working out who you are can take time to figure out and that’s okay. If young people are wondering about who they’re attracted to or what their gender identity is, who they tell or don’t tell is completely their choice.
Some people tell everybody, only a few people they really trust, or nobody at all. Everyone’s experience is different and it’s okay to do what feels right and safe for each individual. If you or someone you know needs help, remember, you’re not alone. There is support.
Places like PFLAG+ can help by providing information, resources and support for people and their families.
If you would like more information on some of the supports for LGBTIQ+ people available in Queensland, this is a useful starting point – link - Support & other Resources
True aims to help schools and organisations to find the right dialogue to support young people who might need access to information.