Latest News

12 May 2021

Celebrating International Nurses Day 2021

The theme for International Nurses Day 2021 “Nurses: A Voice to Lead” reflects on the impact of COVID-19 on the nursing profession. True’s nurses and nurse practitioners play a vital role in the reproductive and sexual health of our community. Senior Nursing Officer, Jodi Mauro, shared what IND means to her.

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20 Apr 2021

True awards QUT Prize

The 2020 QUT Faculty of Health Student Awards was held in April. The True Prize for Increasing Cultural Awareness to Improve Sexual Health Outcomes for First Nations People was awarded to a Bachelor of Social Work/Bachelor of Human Services student working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and Communities.

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5 Apr 2021

Improving migrant and refugee health literacy and accessibility

Culturally Responsive Health Project Officer, Dulcie Paina, recently engaged community members to translate a migrant and refugee reproductive and sexual health resource into the PNG language, Tok Pisin.

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22 Mar 2021

The facts about Vasectomy

It was only after much discussion with an expert Vasectomist that Gary felt comfortable with his decision. Firstly, he was interested in the fact that a no-scalpel vasectomy is the modern alternative to the more traditional surgical vasectomy. According to Dr Russell Hunter, vasectomy is the safest method of permanent birth control, using a no-scalpel technique that is safe, effective and affordable.

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16 Mar 2021

Primary school parents’ perspectives on relationships and sexuality education

Primary school educators in Australia are often uncertain about parents’ perspectives when it comes to teaching about relationships and sexuality education in schools.

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10 Mar 2021

True attends ACNP Conference

True’s Clinical Education team were very proud to exhibit at the Australian College of Nurse Practitioners (ACNP) conference on the Gold Coast recently. Delegates were surprised to learn of the professional development opportunities in reproductive and sexual health and the resources to support their clients. Many were impressed with our Safe Space advertising and colourful lanyards.

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9 Feb 2021

Getting parents ready for the 'talk'

As a parent of tweens, Sonia was never quite sure what the right time was to tackle ‘the talk’. She didn’t feel equipped or confident to start the conversation, let alone know what to say. Many of us didn’t receive quality education about relationships and sexuality as children and had to work it out for ourselves as we grew up.

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7 Dec 2020

Telehealth and COVID-19

For Rebecca, isolation, social distancing and fear of contracting COVID-19 only intensified her already elevated health anxiety. Working from home in Cairns whilst caring for her two school-aged children left little time for herself. At night, her fears became all-consuming. Rebecca is just one of thousands of people who have opted to wait until the pandemic is over to have their medical concerns investigated.

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4 Dec 2020

True's IUD service

True’s expert female clinicians have advanced skills in intrauterine contraception. Our clinicians work closely with GPs to streamline the assessment and fitting of intrauterine devices (IUDs) and will provide referring GPs with the outcome of their client’s IUD appointment.

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