Support & other Resources

Information and support available for LGBTIQ+ and gender diverse people and their families is readily available.

True aims to help schools and organisations to find the right dialogue to support young people if they are struggling and need access to information. The following resources and links may be of help to you:

Health & Emotional Support

QLife provides free, anonymous peer support for LGBTIQ+ people across Australia wanting to talk about their identity, sexuality, gender, bodies, feelings, relationships, coming out or other topics relating to LGBTIQ+ communities. Support is available every day of the week from 3pm to midnight. Phone 1800 184 527 or chat online.

The Queensland Council for LGBTI Health (QC, formerly QuAC) is a not-for-profit, community based organisation which promotes the health and wellbeing of LGBTI Sistergirl and Brotherboy Queenslanders. QC provides training, support, information, social connection and events across Queensland. Connect on Facebook, email or call (07) 3017 1777; 1800 177 434 (outside Brisbane) 


Intersex Human Rights Australia (IHRA) is an independent support, education and policy development organisation, by and for people with intersex variations. Their work focuses on human rights, bodily autonomy and self-determination, and on evidence-based, patient-directed healthcare. Connect on Facebook or email

Intersex Peer Support Australia (IPSA) is a peer-led, intersex peer support, education, information and advocacy group for people with variations in sex characteristics and their families. Connect on Facebook, email or phone 0478 537 739

Transgender, Gender Diverse and Non-binary

Trans Health – QC provides support for Queensland’s transgender and gender non-conforming, intersex and non-binary communities. They have a dedicated Transgender Health Promotion & Community Development Officer who can be contacted at or phone (07) 3017 1701

Many Genders One Voice is a volunteer based trans, gender diverse and non-binary health action, leadership, social and support group, coordinated by the Transgender Health Promotion and Community Development Officer from QC. Connect on Facebook, email or or phone (07) 3017 1701

Australian Transgender Support Association of Queensland (ATSAQ) aims to provide Queensland’s transgender population with support through public education to promote understanding, support for family and friends, information on medical and health services, assistance and advocacy. Connect on Facebook, or email

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People

2Spirits promotes healthy Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and LGBTI Sistergirl and Brotherboy communities through health promotion, workforce and community development, Elders and community forums, peer education, consultation and support group networks. Connect on Facebook, phone 07 3017 1777 or free call: 1800 177 434 or email:

Gar’ban’djee’lum (‘us mob’) is an independent social network for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender people, sistergirls and brotherboys (GLBTSB) in and around Brisbane. Connect with Gar’ban’djee’lum on Facebook or email

IndigiLez Women’s Leadership and Support Group is a community group that encourages and supports the health and well being of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander lesbians and same sex attracted women. Connect on Facebook.

Multicultural Communities

Australian GLBTIQ Multicultural Council (AGMC) provides advocacy, research, education and community events for multicultural and multifaith LGBTIQ communities. AGMC is committed to supporting and working with diverse communities, including migrants, international students, refugee and asylum seekers, young people, and people with disability and work alongside government agendes, LGBTIQ organisations and multicultural and multifaith communities. Connect on Facebook, or email

Ethnic+ is a Brisbane based not-for profit networking association that provides support to the culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) rainbow community and their allies through visibility, social connection, advocacy, education and events. Connect on Facebook or email

Young People

Headspace offers mental health, physical health and other support services for young people aged 12-25 across Queensland. Some locations offer social support groups for LGBTIQ young people. Find a centre near your location here and call them to learn more about the services on offer.

Open Doors Youth Service provide support to young people aged 12-24 years with diverse genders, sex and sexualities across Brisbane and South East Queensland. Supports include case management, social groups, referrals, accommodation assistance, mental health support amongst others. For more information email or phone 07 3257 7660.

Supporting Minds is based in Southport (Gold Coast) and provides support to young LGBTIQAP+ people through information, resources and social support groups. For information visit the Supporting Minds website or call 1300 242 076.

YETI is based in Cairns and provides support to young people aged 12-25 years living in Far North Queensland, including case management, counselling, outreach and programs. This includes a social support group for LGBTIQ+ young people called SSAY-IT. For more information connect on Facebook, website submission or phone 07 4051 4927.


PFLAG+ Brisbane is a peer support group for parents and carers with LGBTQIA+ children. They provide advocacy, support, information and education. PFLAG+ is international with many groups available across Australia. For more information on current Queensland groups, contact PFLAG+ Brisbane. Connect on Facebook or via website submission.

Parents of Gender Diverse Children is a website created by Australian parents and carers of gender diverse children to provide information to others about services and support. Connect on Facebook, or email via website submission.

Transcend is an Australian parent-led peer support network for families of transgender children. It provides parent/carer support, community connection, information, resources and advocacy. Connect on Facebook, or via website submission.

Rainbow Families Queensland provides support, advocacy, resources and social events for LGBTQIAP families in Queensland. Connect on Facebook, or email

Legal Support

The Queensland Police Service LGBTI Liaison Program provides a non-discriminatory, accessible policing service to members of the LGBTI communities. LGBTI Liaison Offers are located throughout Queensland. To speak to one, please advise the officer taking your complaint or contact PoliceLink on 131 444, who will identify a liaison officer in your region.

The LGBTI Legal Service provides free, confidential legal advice to members of the LGBTIQ+ community. The staff have knowledge of the barriers and legal issues experienced by LGBTIQ+ people. Website: Email: Phone: 0401 936 232

The Queensland Human Rights Commission handle complaints and provide training on discrimination, vilification, victimisation and sexual harassment under the Queensland Anti-Discrimination Act 1991. This includes supporting the rights of LGBTIQ+ people.