
Access experts from your own home

With Telehealth, you can talk to one of True's expert clinicians or counsellors over the phone from the privacy and comfort of your own home. A Telehealth consultation provides the same quality of care as a face to face consultation. All Telehealth consultations are 100% confidential and allow you to stay at home and receive the support you need.

Break down barriers

A Telehealth consultation can overcome geographic, accessibility and safety barriers from your own home. Access reproductive and sexual health clinicians no matter where you are across Queensland. Access expert sexual violence counsellors from a safe and private location.

Put your safety first

Your health and wellbeing is our highest priority. Telehealth allows you to receive the immediate support you need while maintaining social distancing protocols in line with Government advice due to COVID-19.

Prioritise yourself

Don’t let COVID-19 get in the way of your self-care. Telehealth ensures that you can continue to receive the necessary support at the right time.

Read below our most frequently asked questions about the Telehealth service for our True Clinics, Cairns Sexual Assault Service (CSAS) and Child & Family Service (C&FS).

How do I book a Telehealth consultation?

  • If you live in a rural or regional area in Queensland and would like more information about how to book a reproductive and sexual health consultation, click on our True Outreach Clinic calendar to find out when we will be holding Telehealth appointments for your town: True Outreach Clinic calendar
  • If you live in a metro area in Queensland, and would like more information about how to book a reproductive and sexual health consultation with one of our True Clinics, click here: True Clinics
  • For more information about how to book an appointment with our Cairns Sexual Assault Service, click on the link below: Cairns Sexual Assault Service
  • For more information about how to book an appointment with our Child & Family Service, click on the link below: Child & Family Service
  • If you are a new client to our True Clinics, please allow approximately 10 minutes when speaking to the administration staff to book an appointment as a new client form will need to be filled out on your behalf.

Are Telehealth consultations covered by Medicare?

All CSAS and C&FS consultations are completely free. All True Outreach Clinics for remote, rural and regional clients in Queensland are 100% bulk-billed. All Clinic appointments in metro regions will be mixed mode billing dependent on the type of service that you need. You can further discuss your options with our friendly administration staff at the time of booking.

How does a Telehealth consultation work?

For all True Clinic appointments for clients across Queensland:

  1. Once booked, you will receive a text confirmation reminder in advance of your appointment
  2. 5-minutes before your appointment, ensure you are in a private space where you cannot be overheard or interrupted
  3. Allow at least 30 minutes for your consultation. If on a mobile phone, make sure your device is fully charged and you have a charger close by
  4. At the time of your appointment a True clinician will call you from a private number

Our expert clinician will ask you a series of questions to take a full sexual health history with you. At the telehealth consultation the clinician will determine what follow-up steps are needed. Most client needs are resolved during the telehealth consultation.

Why would I use Telehealth?

It may be the only way you can seek support and advice from an expert clinician or counsellor. You may have restrictions on your movements, may be limited by social distancing and self-isolation protocols or have distance barriers due to your geographic location.

How confidential and secure is it?

A phone consultation is as confidential and secure as a face-to-face consultation. When it is time for your appointment, ensure you are in a private location where you won’t be interrupted or overheard.

Do you accept new patients via Telehealth?

Yes. Please allow approximately 10 minutes when speaking to the administration staff to book an appointment as a new client form will need to be filled out on your behalf.

Can I get prescriptions or referrals?

Yes. If your clinician prescribes a medication, test or script, we can arrange for this to be sent to your nearest pharmacy or pathology lab. Or alternatively, you can elect to pick this up from your closest True Clinic.

What services can my doctor provide?

True Clinics provide our full suite of services:

  • Contraception
  • Planning a pregnancy
  • Antenatal care
  • Postnatal care
  • Menstrual concerns
  • Cervical screening
  • Menopause
  • Sexual health.

All consultations are being triaged by our staff to ensure that your needs are met in line with the current COVID19 guidelines. Learn more about our services here.

If I have a local GP/Practitioner in my town, can you send my results to them?

Yes, we can send your consultation information and or results to your requested practice if required.

Should I use Telehealth if I think I have COVID-19?

If you suspect you have been exposed, or are exhibiting mild symptoms of COVID-19, please call your local GP/Practitioner or call 13 432 584 (13 HEALTH). True’s Clinics specialise in reproductive and sexual health. Telehealth is the perfect tool for you to access all health care providers from the comfort of your own home while protecting your safety, the safety of True Clinic staff, and that of the community.