Copper Intrauterine Device (IUD)
How does it work?
The Copper IUD changes the lining of the uterus, making it difficult for a fertilised egg to implant into the lining of the uterus to start a pregnancy. The copper IUD also stops the sperm from being able to reach the egg.
The Copper IUD does not contain any hormones. Depending on the brand type, it can effectively prevent pregnancy for 5 years (Mulitload Cu 375) or 10 years (TT380).
Copper IUD's are also a very effective method of emergency contraception and can be inserted up to 5 days after unprotected sex to prevent a pregnancy. They can then remain in place to provide long term, reliable contraception.
IUD's do not protect against Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs), so the use of condoms is recommended to protect yourself from these.
What’s it like to use?
The Copper IUD is inserted by a trained clinician through the cervix and into the uterus. The clinician may use a local anaesthetic to reduce the pain and discomfort you will feel during the procedure. There are no cuts or stitches, so there is no scarring. It is also possible to have an IUD inserted under sedation.
It is very discreet. Nobody will be able to tell that you have an IUD.
Your body will continue to ovulate and have a regular period. It is likely that your menstrual bleeding will be heavier and longer in duration after the Copper IUD has been inserted.
A thin piece of nylon thread will be left at the end of the copper IUD, which can be felt at the top of the vagina.
What if I forget about it?
The copper IUD is known as a 'set-and-forget' contraceptive method that has high reliability and efficacy. It does not require the user to do anything once it has been inserted, unlike the hormonal birth control pills or condoms. The copper IUD maintains a high degree of protection over many years.
If you'd like to replace your IUD, it can be taken out and replaced with a new one all in the same procedure.
Who can use it?
People with a vagina and uterus of any age, from the first period till menopause.
The Copper IUD is suitable for most people including those who cannot use hormonal contraception. You may not be able to get a copper IUD if you have an untreated STI or unexplained bleeding. You can talk to your healthcare provider to get more information.
Side effects
You may experience discomfort, like lower abdominal cramping (similar to period pain) on the day of the procedure and possibly up to 1-2 days. You may also experience irregular bleeding for up to 3-6 months after the insertion.
By six months (after the IUD has been inserted) you should be having a regular period, but it is common for your period to be heavier and longer in duration after the copper IUD has been inserted.
Perforation at time of insertion (happens in about 2 of every 1000 insertions or 0.2%)
IUD falls out (1 in 20 or about 5% of people)
Infection after insertion (1 in 300 or 0.3%)
Failure to prevent pregnancy (happens to 2 people out of 1000 people who use IUDs or 0.2%)
Overall copper IUDs are very safe. There are possible risks with any IUD, but serious problems are rare. You can talk to your healthcare provider to understand more about potential risks.
How and where to get it
A trained clinician like a nurse or GP, can do a health assessment, provide the IUD, and do the insertion. It may require more than 1 appointment. Some reproductive and sexual health clinics do not have IUDs in stock, so you may need to purchase from the pharmacy.
A Copper IUD will cost between $80 and $110, depending on where you purchase your device from. There may also be consultation fees. You can ask for a quote when you book an appointment.
If you are an International Student, your insurance provider can provide details on the health cover you will receive and your options for accessing care. This will depend on your policy and location.
What if you change your mind
Any time you want to have it removed, you can visit a reproductive and sexual health clinic or your GP to have it removed. It does not need to be the same clinician who did the insertion. Your fertility will return immediately once the IUD is removed.
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