Sometimes you’re just not in the mood. No matter how well the evening is going or how nice your date is, or even how much you love your partner.
People's sexual desire naturally rises and falls at different times throughout their lives. At the start of a relationship when things are new and exciting, a person’s libido is usually high. When things are rocky or when a relationship is ending, it can lower or disappear altogether.
Major life changes can have an impact. An illness, pregnancy, menopause, a trauma or the loss of someone close to you can cause changes. So can certain medications, like antidepressants. You don’t have to have any of these conditions to experience a drop in libido.
The important thing to remember is that it is completely normal for your libido to vary depending on what else is happening in your life. Unfortunately, this situation can be aggravated if your sex drive is no longer in sync with your partner’s.
*There are a few simple things you can do to help with low libido:
- Exercise – regular aerobic and weight training can help build stamina, improve your body image, lift your mood, and boost your libido.
- Have a break – plan a trip and get away from any stressful situations. Go by yourself or with your partner but avoid going with friends or the kids. Use the time to focus on yourself or to reconnect as a couple.
- Talk to your partner – something as simple as sitting in a restaurant, talking to one another can really help. Make sure you keep topics light and have no expectations of what may happen later. Let it simply be about spending time together.
Getting help
If you’ve tried to improve the situation but weren’t completely successful, or if you are concerned by a change in your sex drive, you can contact a healthcare provider who specialises in sexual health. They are experts in this field and will work with you to:
- Take a comprehensive medical history
- Conduct a physical exam
- Arrange relevant investigations
- Create a treatment plan that is individual to you
- Where necessary, refer you to other health professionals.
The experts at True tell us that one of the most common issues that concerns women is, in fact, loss of libido. If you want more information, check out the video on True’s website. Search for Loss of Libido on our website at www.true.org.au or go to Loss of Libido
If you prefer to speak to a clinician, call True on (07) 3281 4088 to make an appointment, or visit one of our Clinics.
True Relationships & Reproductive Health (True) was established in 1972 and is a profit-for-purpose organisation. True’s goal is to achieve substantial, positive social impact by improving reproductive and sexual health and promoting safe and respectful relationships. True achieves this through the delivery of expert clinical services, education, and counselling.
This article is not to be taken as medical advice. It is for informational purposes only. Specific health-related questions or problems should be directed to a healthcare professional.
*Let’s talk low libido, Graham King, M.D., Dec 9, 2020, Mayo Clinic Health System https://www.mayoclinichealthsystem.org/hometownhealth/speaking-of-health/lets-talk-low-libido
True Relationships & Reproductive Health (True) has taken every care to ensure that the information contained in this publication is accurate and up-to date at the time of being published. As information and knowledge is constantly changing, readers are strongly advised to confirm that the information complies with present research, legislation, and policy guidelines. True accepts no responsibility for difficulties that may arise as a result of an individual acting on the advice and recommendations it contains.