
We encourage people who use our service to give feedback.

Whether making a complaint, giving a compliment or making suggestions.. our aim is to identify and resolve issues as quickly as possible, and to improve service delivery.

You can do this anonymously or give your details, and request follow-up if you would like it.

You can give feedback:

verbally to any staff member you feel comfortable with
on service feedback forms, provided at your first session or from staff at any time on request
online via our 'Email us' form

These will all be forwarded to the service manager, and processed according to our service Complaints Policy on a ‘need-to-know’ basis only.

If you have a serious concern or complaint about the conduct of your counsellor, you can speak to the service manager directly or complete the online feedback form on our website.

If you have feedback or complaints about our service that you wish to make to our funding body, you can contact:

The Manager, Cairns Hub

Office for Women and Violence Prevention

Department of Justice and Attorney-General

Level 2, William McCormack Place, 5b Sheridan St, Cairns Qld 4870

P.O.Box 1696, Cairns Q 4870

P: 07 4255 7316  M: 0459 879 139

You have the right:

  • to the fair and prompt investigation of any complaints you may have about the services you have received
  • to make a complaint without being disadvantaged
  • to make a complaint verbally or in writing
  • to have an advocate, translator or support person present if making a complaint
  • to be informed of the outcome of your complaint as soon as possible

You can ask any staff member for a full copy of our complaints policy.