Support & Advice

This page shares information about who you can contact for more information.


Reproductive and Sexual Health Clinics 

In each state and territory of Australia there are specialised reproductive and sexual health clinics where you can access confidential health care services from clinicians who are experts in sexual and reproductive health. 

Reproductive and sexual health clinics can undertake a health assessment to discuss with you which contraceptive options may best suit your situation. Some clinics have contraceptive methods available at their clinic or they may write you a prescription to collect it at a pharmacy. There will be a cost with some contraceptive methods. 

ACT Sexual Health and Family Planning ACT  
New South Wales   Family Planning Australia
Northern Territory Family Planning Welfare Association of NT 
Queensland  True Relationships and Reproductive Health
South Australia  SHINE SA 
Tasmania Family Planning Tasmania
Victoria  Sexual Health Victoria
Western Australia    Sexual Health Quarters 



You may need to visit a local pharmacy to pick up a contraceptive method. 

Keep in mind that some contraceptive options can be ordered online with Australian based pharmacies. They can post the contraceptive to any state in Australia. 

If possible, discuss your contraceptive choices with a clinician prior to ordering them online. You may also need a prescription to order specific contraceptive methods at online pharmacies. 


Useful Links

Children by Choice

Confidential & Non-Judgmental Support for all Pregnancy Options

Children by Choice: Contraception Options


Women's Health & Equality Information Hub

Women's Health & Equality Information Hub: Contraception


Body Talk

Body explorer

Body Talk: What contraception suits me?


Find a sexual health clinic (STIs)

The Drama Down Under: Find a Clinic

NIS-symbol Patients, families, and their carers have a right to free, confidential and professional health care interpreters when using public health services.