Latest News

18 Oct 2020

True's Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Clinic

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition affecting up to 18% of Australian women of reproductive age. Symptoms may include excess hair, acne, irregular periods, fertility issues, weight gain, anxiety and depression. There is a long term increased risk of prediabetes and diabetes.

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30 Sep 2020

Campaign aims to reduce syphilis increase in women of reproductive age: Lady Peeps

True and Queensland Health Communicable Diseases Branch recently launched a syphilis awareness campaign to combat the rise of syphilis in Queensland women of reproductive age. The campaign’s ambassador, Lady Peeps, encourages people to take control of their sexual health and ask about STI testing.

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20 Sep 2020

True launches Relationship Ready for teachers

Children and young people learn about relationships and sexuality from many avenues including their parents/carers and school. True recently launched Relationship Ready - a program for teachers to empower them in the delivery of relationship and sexual education (RSE) to children and young people. A parent and carer package is also available for families.

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1 Jul 2020

True offers free clinical antenatal syphilis training

Over the past 5 year period, Queensland had a 46% rise in all syphilis notifications and an 84% increase in notifications concerning women of reproductive age. Seven percent of these women were pregnant, risking an increase in congenital syphilis and other pregnancy complications.

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1 Mar 2020

Healthy and safe: responding positively to children’s sexual behaviours

From early on children are continually learning about sexuality and relationships from their family, and those that care for them, which is an important component of children’s developing sense of themselves and of the world around them.

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