Cervical Screening resources for women from migrant and refugee backgrounds
True's Culturally Responsive Health team has developed a new resource for women from migrant and refugee backgrounds to assist in understanding cervical screening.
The design and content of the pocket-sized fold-out booklet was guided and tested with women from diverse communities to ensure that they were easy to understand and culturally sensitive. Extensive consultation was also held with stakeholders in the health and multicultural sectors to ensure accurate and inclusive information.
The resource explains reasons for regular participation in cervical screening, what is involved in the test, and includes information about the HPV vaccine. Booklets and downloadable PDFs will soon be available in Arabic, Burmese, Simplified Chinese, Dari, Hindi, Somali, Swahili, Vietnamese and English. Burmese, Hindi, Somali, and Swahili will also available in audio version.
Downloadable versions are available from our website. For hard copies please contact culturallyresponsive@true.org.au