Relationship Ready for Parents & Carers

Parents and carers play a primary role in the Relationship and Sexuality Education of the children and young people in their care.
The positive messages that young ones receive about sexuality through the conversations we have with them helps them be healthy, safe, and confident about their bodies and sexuality. It's important that children and young people have a healthy understanding of what constitutes healthy relationships and safe sexual practices.
But having these conversations isn’t always easy—we might not know where to start or feel confident answering questions.
Our Relationship Ready training modules contain language, topics, and suggestions for how to engage in conversations surrounding relationships and sexuality with young people. They cover topics of personal safety, puberty, periods, healthy relationships, safer sex, and STIs.
The materials are reviewed and supported by the Queensland Department of Education and Queensland Health.
Register below to receive free access to the modules so you can feel confident and equipped to have these important conversations.
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