Looking after me - LAMP 6 Sessions Consent (required) The person with disability is aware of this LAMP registration being made on their behalf, and consents to participate. This will be confirmed at the initial appointment. Please note, the program will be immediately cancelled if the participant does not consent and a pro-rata refund will be offered.* - required Support (required) There is a suitable support person that the participant is comfortable with, who is willing and able to attend all sessions. Ideally, this person can provide ongoing support. This has been discussed, arranged and finalised. Please note, the program will be immediately cancelled if the participant is a child with out a support person, or is an adult without access to a support person. A pro-rata refund will be offered.* - required Need (required) The person with disability has an identified education and skills development need. This may be due to not having had adequate information on these topics before. It is understood that this service is not counselling and will not address trauma or act as a behavioural management tool. LAMP provides information and education about sexuality and relationships.* - required LAMP and Counselling (required) I have reviewed and agree to True’s explanation of the differences between LAMP and Counselling* - required Mandatory field(s) marked with *