Quality Standards

Our vision:

Reproductive and sexual health and safe, respectful relationships for all.


True logo with Clinic, Education, & Counselling

Who we are

True Relationships & Reproductive Health (True) was established in 1972 and is a profit-for-purpose organisation. Our goal is to achieve substantial, positive social impact by improving reproductive and sexual health and promoting safe and respectful relationships. True achieves this through the delivery of expert clinical services, education and counselling.

Family Planning Alliance Australia logo

True is a member of Family Planning Alliance Australia (FPAA).


True's work impacts many sectors in our communities - health, education, communities, social services, corrections, justice and legal.

Quality Standards

Logos for ISO 9001, ACHS and Certified System accreditation.  

Registered 7 April 1972

Family Planning Queensland t/a True Relationships & Reproductive Health

ACN 009 860 164 ABN 61 009 860 164

ISO 9001: 2015 (Quality Management) Standards

ISO Quality Standards are details of requirements, specifications, guidelines, or characteristics that products or services should consistently meet in order to ensure their quality matches expectations and are fit for purpose.

The Standards cover: Leadership, Planning, Support, Operations, Performance evaluation, Improvement.

True (Brisbane only) has been certified against ISO (Quality Management) standards since 2011.

National Safety and Quality in Healthcare Standards (NSQHS)

The NSQHS Standards were developed by the Commission in collaboration with the Australian Government, states and territories, private sector providers, clinical experts, patients and carers. The primary aims of the NSQHS Standards are to protect the public from harm and to improve the quality of health service provision. The eight NSQHS Standards provide a nationally consistent statement about the level of care consumers can expect from health services.

The Standards cover: Clinic Governance, Preventing and Controlling Infections, Comprehensive Care, Blood Management, Partnering with Consumers, Medication Safety, Communicating for Safety, Recognising and Responding to Acute Deterioration.

True (Brisbane clinic) has been accredited against NSQHS standards since 2011.

Human Services Quality Framework (HSQF)*

The HSQF is underpinned by a commitment to efficient and effective business operations that result in quality outcomes for clients.

The framework covers: Governance and management, Responding to individual need, Safety, wellbeing and rights, Feedback, complaints and appeals, Human resources.

* Brisbane (Head office),Cairns Sexual Assault Service and Cairns Child and Family Service