Chris Dougherty


Chris is currently the Chief Executive of Epilepsy Queensland overseeing the state-wide psycho-social support, education & training, policy, research and advocacy work for the 30,000 Queenslanders who live with the neurological condition. He also serves as Non-Executive Director of Epilepsy Australia Ltd, Secretary of the Western Pacific Regional Executive Committee of the International Bureau for Epilepsy and an external SME for the Governance and Remuneration Committee of Foodbank Queensland Ltd.
Chris is an accomplished people leader with over 15 years’ experience in the health and human services sector in both for profit and profit-for-purpose models. The work of the True has both personal and professional interest to Chris and he is pleased to be able to contribute skills, knowledge and experience to the organisation at this juncture of history.

Special responsibilities:

Member - Audit and Finance Committee (from 31 March 2022)